====== Project Title ====== **Humidifier with a Web Interface ** ====== Sponsor ====== [[http://www.isep.ipp.pt|{{http://ave.dee.isep.ipp.pt/~mbm/images/logo_ISEP_small.jpg}}]] ====== Guidelines ====== * humidifier to server room of 80 m3 * relative humidity between 40 % and 70 % (+- 5) * two days of autonomy * on-off switch * water and humidity alarms * compliance with the EU Directives [[http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/mechanical/documents/legislation/machinery/|2006/42/CE 2006-05-17]] and [[http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/electrical/lvd/index_en.htm|2006/95/CE 2006-12-12]]; * composite material structure to hold the control unit and the water container * include a life-cycle analysis * use open source technologies * distribution of water vapour ====== Participants ====== **Institution:** Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto **Group I** **Students:** * David Testar Carbó * Iván Arrabal Camacho * Marta Jóźwiak * Peter Gal **Supervisors:** * Betina Campos Neves (bbn 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * João Francisco Silva (jfs 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Manuel Santos Silva (mss 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Maria Benedita Malheiro (mbm 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Nídia Sá Caetano (nsc 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Pedro Barbosa Guedes (pbg 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) **Client:** ISEP's Data Centre * José Barros Oliveira (jbo 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) ====== Acknowledgements ====== * [[http://www.isep.ipp.pt|ISEP]] (sponsor) * Eng.º Vítor Costa Cerqueira, DEE, ISEP (wiki installation and management) * Prof. João Correia Lopes, DEI, FEUP (wiki template)